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The Warrior

Karen Frances

They are of this world. They are part of the lives of other people and they

set out on their journey with no saddlebags and no sandals. They are often

cowardly. They do not always make the right decisions. They suffer over the

most trivial things; they have mean thoughts and sometimes believe they are

incapable of growing. They frequently deem themselves unworthy of any

blessing or miracle.” Paulo Coelho

There is a road that certain people choose to walk; it is their purpose, their truth, their mission. And there are others who do not choose that exclusive, singular purpose, but at times, take that leap forward to perform a truly unselfish act for those they see in peril, regardless of their own safety or benefit. They are the Warriors. And although I have had and continue to be blessed and honored by all of the Warriors in my life, this story will be of the first Warrior; those that submerge themselves fully in the selflessness of upholding and honoring the code.

The code is the creed by which they live and who they are; for one cannot exist without the other. It is one of great reverence for both truth and right; defending those that cannot stand up on their own. Putting themselves in harm’s way, day in and day out, in order to save another or bring about justice for those that have not been equally served; strangers, people of different lands, different cultures, those cast aside for whatever reason - there is no prejudice. Their word is sometimes blind of circumstance, but an inner knowing to “just do”; Not given lightly, but never forgotten or taken back. It is always trustworthy. When in service, there is no conclusion except when it has been successfully rendered. Standing in their own truth, silent, not needing acknowledgment, they embrace anonymity. Loyal and committed to this code, it is mired deep within their soul. They are thankful for the blessings they have received and understand it may not always be that way. When you are blessed to bear witness to the Warrior, you recognize this divine being, who does what others could never fathom to do.

But there is another side to the Warrior, the side not shared, the one that dwells in the shadows, retreating into the weariness and frustration, questioning whether there is anything left; to give, to do, to be. When they are beaten down, time after time, to the point where they question if they are even able to stand again. When they are beyond exhausted and do not see any end to this battle, where they may steal any respite. When the fight is relentless, the weight, too heavy to bear, and they are afraid. Afraid that if this is lost, all will be lost. Afraid that they have given everything of themselves and there is nothing left of themselves. Sobered when comrades turn their backs and walk away and they are left in the arena alone.

A Warrior is tied to the divine, whether it is of a conscious mind or unconscious. They are instructed, guided, protected and when a time out is needed and they aren’t slowing down, they are forced out and they must heed. They are humbled when they get too big for themselves, they are shown mercy when they have succumbed to darker forces, they are given hope to be able to fight another day. They are tested beyond what they believe to be their limits and realize later why. And they are given a gift, something that is only for themselves; not to be sacrificed for the benefit of any other. When they are connected to the divine, they understand what is required, what the consequence is, and what they must be, no matter what. When they are connected to the divine, no other thought or worry is necessary. It just is.

Upon meeting my late husband, I was blessed to bear witness to his service and selflessness to others. After his passing, I asked for the strength and guidance to continue in his footsteps, continue in this selfless service. Not too long after, I was blessed to welcome another teacher, a great Warrior, and I was truly honored to bear witness to his passion, his unending fight for justice, and his pure, selfless acts of service. Ones that inspired me to surrender fully, never losing this awareness of purpose, this code, the quest.

I have heard the battle cry of this great Warrior and have felt his anguish, frustration, defeat, and pain. I have watched as he was humbled, forced to rest, taken down a notch. I stand with him always, no matter if it is two feet or our knees on the ground. He is in the shadows, remaining at the ready to step out into the light, to lift those around him and hold any and all harm at bay. And he continues, no matter what, for that is the code and the code is life.

“Although I have been through all that I have, I do not regret the many hardships

I met, because it was they who brought me to the place I wished to reach. Now all

I have is this sword and I give it to whoever wishes to continue his pilgrimage. I carry with me the marks and scars of battles-they are the witnesses of what I suffered and the rewards of what I conquered.” Paulo Coelho

I see you. I hear you. I know you. I love you. I am the Warrior.



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